Seating Policy

Below are the terms of the seating policy of the Burlington County Footlighters, Inc.

  1. Seating for all performances is on a first-come, first-served basis, including organizations attending as a group. All attendees are urged to arrive at least 15 minutes before the production start time. Patrons are also encouraged to allow plenty of time for parking.
  2. Seats may not be reserved, except for audience members with disabilities and their caregivers. Cast and crew may not reserve seats. Only the Board may grant exceptions to reserving seats on a case by case basis.
  3. Patrons who are unable to attend a performance are encouraged to call (856-829-7144) or email ([email protected]) the box office to donate their tickets to be resold.
  4. All unpaid tickets not picked up fifteen minutes before the scheduled start time may be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
  5. For main stage matinee performances, the house doors will open 45 minutes prior to the scheduled start time to relieve crowding in the foyer by those who may be handicapped or in wheelchairs. For all other main stage and children's show performances, the inside theatre doors will open 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. All other house opening times are at the discretion of the show's producer.
  6. A decision to delay the opening of the house may be made by the stage manager only in cases where production equipment needs repair or is not ready. The house manager may also delay the opening of the house if they feel that audience safety is at risk. The house will not be opened early for actor warm-ups or other stage preparation, and all production staffs are required to plan for a standard opening.
  7. The house may be opened early by the house manager only after receiving the stage manager's approval. It is advised that the house should be opened early in cases where there is a large number of patrons already assembled waiting to enter the theatre.
  8. For the safety and respect of our other patrons, actors and crews, late seating will be at the discretion of the House Manager, who will make decisions as to when it is appropriate to seat late arrivals on a case by case basis.
  9. Due to fire code and contractual limitation by the licensing organizations of the shows we produce, no extra seats are to be placed in the aisles or in the area in front of the stage.
  10. It is the sole discretion of the House Manager to remove patrons from the audience due to violating any BCF policies, disruptive or illegal behavior. The House Manager, Box Office chairperson or Member Services Director may authorize refund of the removed audience members on a case by basis, but is generally discouraged if a patron has attended at least half of the show.