Policies and By-laws
At Footlighters, we strive to make sure that everyone who participates in our activities, workshops, rehearsals, productions, etc. has a wonderful experience in a safe and friendly environment. To ensure this and so that everyone is aware of their roles and duties, we have created the following policies. For any questions, please reach out to any Board member.
Governing Documents & Policies
- By-Laws - Footlighters overall governing document. This sets up Footlighters governing structure, management and general policies.
- Privacy Policy - What information Footlighters collects, what we do with it, and how we ensure it will not be released
- Cookie Policy - Explains how Footlighters uses cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website
- Seating Policy - How seating will be assigned, and administered
- Electronic & Network Use Policy - Setting the standards for acceptable use of Footlighters computers and networks
- Media Agreement - Use of participant likeness and photographs and other media
- Conflict of Interest - Policies governing how BCF discovers, discusses and mitigates conflicts of interest
Role Based Tasks and Expectations
- Actor
- Stage Manager
- Assistant Director
- Director
- Choreographer
- Music Director
- Musician
- Producer
- Lighting Technician
- Sound Technician
- Costumer Technician
- Props Manager
- Stage Crew
- Box Office
- Hospitality
- House Manager